

Fountainhead Antique Auto Museum
Wedgewood Resort
212 Wedgewood Drive
Fairbanks, AK 99701
(907) 450-2100

Features: Fountainhead calls itself "The farthest north automobile museum in America." Tough to argue with that claim. It features 70+ historically significant American cars and emphasizes the heritage of the automobile during Alaska’s post-Gold Rush era. The collection includes such rare vehicles as a 1899 Hertel, 1904 Stevens-Duryea, 1917 Owen-Magnetic, 1921 Heine-Velox, 1933 Auburn V-12 dual ratio custom speedster and 1938 Elto Midget. Several of the autos are the only examples of their marques known to remain, including an 1898 Hay Motor Carriage, 1906 Compound, and 1920 Argonne.Also, huge photos of Alaskan motoring history.

Museum of Alaska Transportation & Industry
3800 West Museum Drive
Wasilla, Alaska 99687
(907) 376-1211
Features: The museum's mission is the collection, conservation, restoration, exhibition, and interpretation of artifacts relating to Alaska’s transportation and industrial history. Its scope is statewide and the collections reflect that, encompassing Eskimo skin boats to jet aircraft.

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